Friday, April 27, 2012

Latham's First T-ball Game

Latham is in a spring t-ball league which started at the beginning of April.  The first few weeks were practices, but on Thursday his team had their very first "game".  Since the teams in the league are made up of 3 & 4 year olds, I'm sure you can imagine the chaotic-ness of a game, but one thing's for sure, all the on-lookers were entertained by the antics of the players.  I got a great video of Latham batting to show Collin when he gets home from Argentina on Sunday!

Finnian was happy with his lollipop which made him a sticky, sticky mess.

Latham up at bat getting some help from a mommy volunteer. The teams played two innings during which each child got to bat and run the bases while the other team played the field.

Latham on the home stretch - notice that determined look on his face!

Latham in the "dug-out" with his teammates.

Big brother Ronan was eager to yell out tips to Latham on the field. That's what big brothers are for, right?!?

Ronan also is in a t-ball league this spring. He is in a soccer league as well; needless to say, I spend a lot of time at Bender Fields. Finnian knows the drill and is less than enthusiastic about sitting around watching his older brothers play sports. One day it will be your turn too, Finnian!

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