Saturday, April 26, 2014

Odds 'n Ends

Here are just some odds 'n ends - pictures taken over the last few months that belong in a post, but don't really fit in with anything else.
Finnian has asthma which is controlled by a bronchial dilator and an inhaled steroid.  Both are administered by his nebulizer, and he is such a trooper taking his medicine.  He knows that a neb treatment makes his chest feel less tight and he can breathe more comfortably afterwards. 
We also recently found out that he is allergic to peanuts and other tree nuts.  It's a miracle that he didn't have a life-threatening situation since I regularly fed Latham peanut butter on his toast for breakfast.  I tried making it a couple of times for Finnian and he wouldn't touch it, claiming that it was yucky.  Last Easter, I thought he didn't like chocolate since he wouldn't touch his Easter chocolates; he would just unwrap them and line them up on the table (they were Reese peanut butter eggs).  I started clueing in when Collin was trying to get him to eat a Reese peanut butter cup one day and he would have nothing to do with it.  Finally, he had a spoonful of a Thai-inspired soup that had peanuts in it, and although he didn't swallow it, the soup touching his lip made it swell up and we figured out that he was probably allergic to peanuts.  A trip to the doctor and a few tests confirmed that he is highly allergic to peanuts and some other nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, etc), and now we carry epi-pens and liquid benadryl everywhere we go.
The older boys got super hero gear for Christmas and loved running around the house in it, saving the world from evil.

Super hero Latham

Papa McLoughlin got in on the action too - playing light sabers with Latham while in costume.

Oh, to be a child again!  Finnian and Latham on the rides at the mall.

Ronan was so proud of the Valentine's Day card that he made for his teacher.

Funny face Latham

These are the treasures that Finnian pulled out of the sub-woofer: three toy trains, an orange ball, and a pair of underwear.  Lightening McQueen underwear to be exact.  I'm still trying to figure out what would make a three-year-old put underwear in a sub woofer.  Ideas, anyone?

Latham's artistic rendering of our friend, Mary Carol.  He made sure that he got her eye color right, and that she did, in fact, have two hands.  Really...he asked her that!

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