Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Two Peas in a Pod

Ronan and Latham are the best of friends - it is really quite special to see. Of course, they have their moments of fighting and yelling at each other (what siblings don't?!?), but overall they get along two peas in a pod.

The old saying - "absence makes the heart grow fonder" - is certainly true in our household. Ronan is now in kindergarten two and a half days a week, and as soon as we see him off on the school bus in the morning, Latham immediately says, "I miss Ronan!" That is followed (five minutes later) by, "Where's Ronan?" Apparently Latham has virtually no short term memory.

When Ronan returns from school they can play for hours together and it makes my heart happy. If Finnian is napping at the same time, it is quiet time for me which means that I can clean in peace (yay!). I'd much rather do something fun like cross stitch, but most days I'm just happy being able to get some chores accomplished during my "down" time.

I'm a sucker for buying clothes for the boys so that they match. I know they won't let me do it when they're older, but for now they think it's kinda fun themselves.

I thought I'd share this photo of Latham to show you how he dresses himself when it is left up to him to pick out clothes for the day. The shorts are from a set of Ronan's summer pjs (I don't even know where he found them), and he is obviously needing to learn a few rules regarding matching patterns. He was quite satisfied with his outfit selection so I humored him and let him keep it on (we had no plans to leave the house that day!)

After asking Ronan to get some pants on, he thought he'd trick me by wearing a pair of my jeans. I thought it was pretty funny, so I snapped a picture of him in them.

These boys sure keep me on my toes... but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!

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