Last Saturday, Collin and I attended the wedding of Collin's cousin, Allison, to her fiance, Pete. It was a beautiful day, and the venue was perfect.
6 years ago
Lovin' Life with our Boys
It was feeding time when we arrived.
Ronan with the sheep. He liked the lambs, but he was afraid of the big momma sheep.
The big momma sheep.
Offering a truce to the momma sheep; she could play with his ball if she didn't make loud sounds at him anymore or charge the fence when he walked up to it.
Ronan and friend, Danielle.
A peacock displaying his feathers for a peahen nearby. He was doing a little dance for her as well, which was rather amusing.
I wonder what this thing is for?
(Later he was holding it up to his ear and saying, "Hell0? OK, bye bye")