Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Morning

The boys all have "jobs" to do around the house, and one of Finnian's jobs is to restock the fridge with cans of Diet Pepsi.  This morning he was doing his chore when he noticed the eggs sitting on a shelf within his reach.  This was the result:
Awesome.  What a perfect mess! 
Guess what was now on the menu for breakfast?!?  There were several eggs that were cracked but not broken that I used to fill some hungry tummies this morning.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt - Sunday

The Easter bunny also visited our house on Sunday morning.  The boys were up SO early, but after a quick egg hunt the grown-ups were able to go back to bed until we had to get up for church.
Showing off the treasures that were found.

Found one!

The older boys were really good at letting Finnian find some on his own.

More eggs!

Happy boys!

Finnian with almost a full bucket of goodies.

Checking out the contents of his bucket without any brothers around to bug him.
We hope you had a Happy Easter too!

Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday

Our church had an Easter Egg Hunt for the children on Saturday.  After a short trivia game and an appropriate skit/message that was really well done, it was time for the egg hunt.  
Latham won these glow-in-the-dark glasses for answering a question during the trivia game.  He was so proud of himself even though I gave him the answer.  He said excitedly, "I've never won anything before!"

Finnian was so excited for the egg hunt to begin, he actually jumped the gun and darted under the rope and started scooping eggs into his basket.  I had to bring him back to the starting line and put the eggs back which was not okay with him.  After a slight tantrum - he is two after all - the organizer yelled "Go!" and the boys were off!

Ronan counting his eggs since there was a limit of 12 for each child.

The candy was retrieved and the plastic eggs gathered up and returned for next year's egg hunt.

Finnian - getting to be such a big boy!

The boys were quite happy with their loot.
Notice their Easter baskets - the night before the egg hunt I couldn't find their Easter ones so I had to repurpose their Halloween buckets by taping colored paper over the Halloween pictures.

Pancake breakfast Saturday!

On Saturday I couldn't sleep in - an extremely rare occurance, let me assure you.  Usually I can sleep all the time.  Anyway, since I was up early I decided to make some blueberry muffins for breakfast.  Ronan then convinced me to make pancakes too, so we could have a fun family breakfast with the five of us and Auntie Delta, who spends most weekends with us.
My pancake-making was hijacked by Collin.

Fresh blueberry muffins, yum!

The boys love to get in on the action, and Collin is patient with them.

Baby Finnian waiting patiently for breakfast to begin.  He picked up on the "cakes" part of "pancakes", and sat at the table yelling, "cakes, cakes!"

Spring has sprung...

...and so far here in the northwest we have been spared the spring showers that are typical this time of year.  It has been beautiful the last couple of weeks!  It is so nice to see the sun out every day.
Collin has been playing with his new ride-on lawn mower which we actually bought last year but never used it since we used a lawn service.  He hooked up a little utility trailer and the boys had a great time riding around with him while the lawn was mowed.  It took a couple passes over the past week to get it to the length that Collin prefers, and the novelty (for any of them) hasn't worn off yet!